Friday, August 5, 2016

All we'd ever need ch 34

At the Courthouse~ Lila case~ Edward and Lorenzo were on Lila side and the Quartermaine , Chandler and Jax and Skye and Brenda and Josslyn and Carly and Morgan were on the middle. Cassie and Kristina came in face to face with Lila and Justin. " Cassie don't do this" Lila said " Let's go sit down" Kristina said Dimitri came by. "Cassandra I'm sorry I'm late"Dimitri said "It's okay"Cassie said Lila Quartermaine Alcazar vs Cassie Corinthos Mrs Corinthos is see her sister for Compton savory and punitive damage known as alienation of affection law"The office said "This is a new law that the judge was approve in New York city do you have any proof"The judge ask "Yes we do you're honor picture of Lila with her sister husband Morgan and phone record and hotel slips and a sex tape" Kristina said " You're honor this needs to be work out between both sister not the court time" Justin said " I will look over everything then make my call" The judge said "Cassandra"Dimitri said " I need some air"Cassie said she step outside when Morgan came by. "Cassie I'm sorry for hurt you but please don't do this"Morgan said "You and Lila are not the victim here! I can't believe you made a sex tape with my sister! I thought our marriage meant something to you" Cassie said " It did"Morgan said

" Lila ,How could you do this" Jax ask " I made a mistake in hurting my sister but I don't regret Morgan"Lila said as Cassie and Dimitri came by. "You bitch"Cassie said Cassie slap her. "Cassie come sit down" Jax said as the judge came in. " I will go forward with this case" Now do you both have you're open statement ready"The Judge ask "Yes" Justin said "Yes " Kristina said "Cassie and Morgan were happy till Lila Cassie own sister choice to break them up and have a affair her own sister husband you will hear how it all came together who start it" If you were mine client shoes you would feel the same way being hurt by the man you loved and the sister you loved"Kristina said :" My client made a mistake she human we all over but Lila and Morgan were not alone in this" Justin said '' I will like to call my first witness James the hotel manager at Port Charles hotel" Kristina said James was swear in. "James you work at the hotel" Kristina said "Yes I do"James said "Did you see Mrs.Quartermaine with Mr.Corinthos at all"Kristina said "Yes I saw them together"James said " In a friendly way" Kristina ask " I know they were having a affair I set up a room were they could meet and no one know"James said " No one mean Cassie right" Kristina ask "Yes"James said "Why did you cover it up" Kristina ask" Lila give me a raise and I need the money I'm a single father" James said "Thank you" Kristina said "Did Lila tell you if you did not help her you would lose you're job" Justin ask "Yes she did" James said "I'm done , I call my client to the stand"Justin said Lila was swear in. "Tell the court how it all start" Justin said " I had always had a crush on Morgan in high school but I never did anything about it my father and his father don't get alone and I'm a person who does not need a man unlike Cassie I wanted a career in the family business I work hard to get it" Lila said "When did you and Morgan have a affair did he go after you " Justin ask " I saw Morgan at my family hotel he was drinking at the bar it was after Cassie lose their baby they both were a mess Cassie push Morgan away like she did with Dimitri when they lose their baby" Lila said "Did you have sex then" Justin ask " No we just talk and had a drink that all"Lila said "I'm done' Justin said

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