Tuesday, August 9, 2016

“All we’d ever need part 3 ch 24

At Brenda olde cottage ~ Outside~ Ned and Lois and Julia and Robin and Jax and Alan and Rae and Edward were there. "We loved you Brenda and we will not forget you"Robin said " No we will not I'm set up a fundraiser in you're name"Jax said " I wish things were different for us I'm sorry 'Rae said " Me to"Alan said " Brenda you our my sister I don't care what blood says" Julia said as Skye came by. " I just want to thank you for saving my son life"Skye said

At the  Dump~ Patrick was there getting ruin of his car. " No one will know what I did" Patrick said

At ELQ~ Dimitri office~ He was working when Lila came in and closed the door. "Lila ,What do you want"Dimitri ask "Do you love my sister"Lila ask "Yes I do why do you ask"Dimitri ask " Because I know what you did how could you do that if you love Cassie"Lila ask "If you love Cassandra and want to fix things between you to you will let it go"Dimitri said Cassie came in. "What is going on,"Why is the door close, Are you two having an affair"Cassie ask "Cassandra we our not having an affair I promise you, We our just talking about work and did not want anyone to hear"Dimitri said "Right, It's just ELQ stuff"Lila said "Why are you here"Dimitri ask " I need to talk to Lila about the wedding and I believe you both"Cassie said "Well I sure go meet my mother at the hotel for lunch why don't you join us"Dimitri ask "Sure I will meet you there"Cassie said "Dimitri left. "What is it"Lila ask " I went to see Lorenzo today about my wedding party at the yacht and he thinks I sure make up with you"Cassie said " I'm sorry about Daddy you know he loves you to" Lila said "Yes will I been thinking with Chandler and everything it make you relies how life is short would you like to be in my wedding"Cassie ask "Our you sure? It's a big step" Lila said "Yes it's , But I'm happy with Dimitri and your not the only reason my marriage to Morgan ending it was me to"Cassie said " I hope we can make this work" Lila said " Me to"Cassie said

At General Hospital~ Chandler room~ David was check on Chandler. "Your fine you can go home"David said "Really"Chandler ask "Yes just take it easy"David said Kristina came in. " Kristina I have great news I get to go home"Chandler said "That great"Kristina said David left. "Well you move in with me"Chandler ask "Yes I will"Kristina said "I miss you and I will not ruin us"Chandler said "We will work this out I love you to"Kristina said "Yes and soon our baby will be here"Chandler said "Yes" Kristina said "David say in a couple of days I can have sex"Chandler said "Good" Kristina said they share a kiss.

In the hallway~ Anna came into to find Robin and she ran into David. "Anna you live here"David ask " I used to live in Port Charles my daughter Robin is here she works here"Anna said " I know I work with Robin she a great doctor"David said "Thank you, so you work here to"Anna ask "Yes Alan Quartermaine called me to help his daughter Skye after I saved her I got a job here"David said "That great 'Anna said Robin came by. "Is everything okay"Robin ask "Yes it's fine we our just catch up"David said "Yes"Anna said

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