Wednesday, August 10, 2016

“All we’d ever need part 3 ch 38”

At Dimitri office~ "I don't care I want out"Dimitri said to a man, "All right but it will cost you"The man said "That fine I just don't want to lose anymore money"Dimitri said as Nikolas came in."What is going on"Nikolas ask as the man left. "I bought some stock and now I learn the company is going bankrupt.Dimitri said "You could go to jail for insider trade"Nikolas said "Don't worry father it's all under control"Dimitri said " I hope so I 'm already lose you're stepmother"Nikolas said "I hope you divorce her soon"Dimitri said " Leave it to me"Nikolas said "Fine"Dimitri said

At Edmund house~ Cassie came in. "Cassandra why are you here"Edmund ask " I need your help to destroy my husband you're right Dimitri and I can not make it work"Cassie said " What did my brother do"Edmund ask "He made sure my magazine would go under my dream"Cassie said "I would never do that to you I just learn some dirty about Dimitri I have proof he is invited with insider trade"Edmund said "What a bad boy, So can you get me the proof"Cassie ask "What do I get"Edmund ask My share of ELQ"Cassie said "Deal"Edmund said , Cassie phone rang it was Lila. " Lila I just got information I will be right there"Cassie said and hang up. " Lila is helping you to"Edmund ask "Yes to keep my children I will team up with anyone"Cassie said and left.

At The Quartermaine~ Alan was looking at a picture of the his parents when Tracy came in. "I'm pick out picture for the funeral do you want to help me"Alan ask Tracy sit down. "That one of mother and Daddy at the nurse ball"Tracy said "Yes it's a good one"Alan said "I hate everyone saying how much they are going to miss Daddy like they know our pain"Tracy said " Me to"Alan said

At General Hospital~ Lydia room~ Zander was there. "You two our cute"Zander said to the baby's. "Thank you I'm sure mother will get you out of this"Lydia said " I hope so, Do you hate me"Zander ask "Why did you do it"Lydia ask "To space Liz plan"Zander said " I get that" Lydia said "Yes"Zander said In the hallway~ Emily was walking as she ran into Liz. "You will pay" Liz said "Not now"Emily said "Why are you here" Liz ask "To see AJ "Emily said "I'm sorry about Edward" Liz said "Thank you" Emily said

At Lila/Morgan~ Cassie came in. "Edmund just give me prove that Dimitri just did insider trade"Cassie said "That what I found out too now you sure hide the prove some where Dimitri can't destroy it"Lila said " I have my own bank account that Dimitri doesn't know about"Cassie said "Good" Lila said "Thank you for you're help"Cassie said "It's the least I can do for you" Lila said " I sure go"Cassie said "Be careful"Lila said " I will the children are with the nanny at our new house " Cassie said and left.

At Skye/Jax~ Lorenzo came in. "Skye, I'm sorry about Edward" Lorenzo said "Thank you" Skye said "If you need anything" Lorenzo said " I will be fine. I have some news Kristina is really pregnant" Skye said "That is great" Lorenzo said "Yes"Skye said Lorenzo left. Skye phone rang. "Skye Jacks , It's good to here from you"Skye said and hang up

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