Wednesday, August 10, 2016

“All we’d ever need part 3 ch 56

At General Hospital~ " I want to see Josslyn" Jax said " You can't she in surgery "Alan said "She better make it" Jax said "She will"Cassie said " I will call Carly"Jax said and left. 

On the Roof
~ Cassie came up to think about Josslyn and hope she would make it when Dimitri came by. " Josslyn is going to make it"Dimitri said "I hope so, I can't lose my sister" Cassie said " I know"Dimitri said " I'm sorry about Katherine" Cassie said " Me to. Uncle loved her so much they have a love like we do"Dimitri said " No Dimitri I can't go there again"Cassie said "Fine let's go inside"Dimitri said they went inside. Inside~ "Jax let me help you"Skye said " I miss so much of Josslyn life I can't lose her again" Jax said " You will not Josslyn is strong she will make it"Skye said as Carly came by with Sonny. "You're back"Skye said "Where is my baby"Carly ask " Josslyn is in surgery she was in a car cash" Jax said "No"Carly said Cassie and Dimitri and Tommy came by. "Carly, Josslyn will make it" Cassie said "Yes she has to"Tommy said as Bobbie came by' "Mother did you see Josslyn"Carly ask "Yes the surgery is doing great so far it looks good" Bobbie said as Morgan and Michael came by. " I hope so I can't lose my baby" Carly said " You will not, Do we know what happened" Sonny ask " No 'Jax said

Warren room~ Monica came in. "Monica' Warren said " You our going to be fine"Monica said "I was the one driving I been drinking I could go to jail"Warren said " No you will not I'm going to lose you again"Monica said "What are you going to do"Warren ask " Don't worry"Monica said " I own you"Warren said
"It's time I because a mother to you"Monica said " Did I kill anyone"Warren ask "Yes Katherine Bell-Cassadine died"Monica said "No 'Warren said Skye came in, "Warren I'm glad you're okay I love you"Skye said " I love you to"Warren said Monica left. "You were the one driving were you"Skye ask "Yes but don't worry I will not go to jail Monica is going to help me"Warren said "You need help"Skye said "So do you"Warren said "I'm going to see Kevin to talk to him about what happened to me"Skye said "Good will you help me"Warren ask "Yes I own you"Skye said

Katherine bode~ Stefan and Alexis and Dimitri and Nikolas were saying goodbye to her. " Katherine you were the love of my life I can't go on without you I will make whoever did this pay" Stefan said "Katherine, You made my brother happy thank you"Alexis said "You were family"Nikolas said "Dimitri don't let the love of you're life go fight for Cassandra"Stefan said " I will"Dimitri said

IN the Hallway~ "Carly our daughter will make it"Jax said " You're right she will"Carly said "You're back" Morgan ask "Yes It's time"Sonny said "I'm not going into the mob"Michael said "Good I don't want you to "Sonny said Dr.Jones came out. " How is Josslyn"Carly ask and took Jax hand.

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