Thursday, August 11, 2016

“All we’d ever need part 3 ch 80”

At Dimitri ~ Barry was there. "Barry thank you for meeting me I want to make sure I get full custody even if Cassandra wake up"Dimitri said "You want to take the children from their mother"Barry ask "Yes I know it's cold , I'm a Cassadine after all I just want to ported my children"Dimitri said "Fine I will see what I can do"Barry said and left.Skye and Jax came in. "What are you doing here' Dimitri ask "We want to see our Grandchildren"Jax said "Alexander is in School and the twins are sleeping"Dimitri said "Can we just check on them"Skye ask "Fine"Dimitri said his phone rang. " I have to take this"Dimitri said he left and Jax and Skye look around for clues on where Cassie is. " I think I found something" Jax said "Great"Skye said Dimitri came in. "We will come back tomorrow we don't want to wake the twins"Skye said "Fine"Dimitri said they left. Dimitri saw a vision of Cassie. " You really think you can get away with this! I will not let you take the children from me! Cassie said "Go away! And I will get away with this! Dimitri yelled Cassie vision left. Dimitri pour himself a drink as Peggy came in . Peggy I need you to remove all the picture of my - Cassandra"Dimitri said "Mr.Cassadine are you sure"Peggy ask "Yes I'm done with Cassandra 'Dimitri said

At Alexis office~ Skye and Jax came in. "Jax it's good to see you, Skye how is Cassie"Alexis ask "That is why we our here we need you're help"Jax said "Jax we sure just get Justin to help us his family"Skye said " I can help"Alexis said "Even it if means trow Dimitri in jail"Skye ask "I'm unhappy with the way Dimitri is handle this now what can I do"Alexis ask "The Cassie that is in the rehab that we sent her is not our daughter it's a fake the real one is out there somewhere that Dimitri and Helena and Stavros put her"Jax said " No"Alexis said "Yes, Help me find my daughter"Jax said "Yes I will"Alexis said "This is what we found at Dimitri it's a copy of custody papers Dimitri is doing this so he came take my Grandchildren from their mother! Jax said "Who knows what he is doing to Cassie"Skye said "We will dine her I do know where Helena hiding place is"Alexis said "Maybe Nikolas can help us"Skye said

At the Empire~ Stefan office~ He was working when Dimitri came in. "About time you came to work I know you have a lot to deal with missing Cassandra" but the empire needs you"Stefan said " I don't miss Cassandra at all as I hope she never wake up"Dimitri said "Well we have a big mess to clean up because of her"Stefan said "Yes 'Dimitri said

At the Garden~ Lila came in. "Josslyn how is the hotel doing" Do you need any help" Lila ask "It's been good I hire my mother and Emily to help me" Josslyn said "That good if you need anything" Lila said "Thank you I'm sure you have a lot on you're plate to" Josslyn said "Yes I do but it helps" Lila said "Yes I miss them both" Josslyn said "Yes me to" Lila said

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