Thursday, August 11, 2016

“All we’d ever need part 3 ch 84

At General Hospital~ In the hallway~ "Kristina what are you doing here" I hope you're not Dimitri lawyer I'm going to take him down if it's the last thing I do! Skye yelled
"No I'm not, I'm done with Dimitri he told me that Chandler is alive! and he know! Kristina yelled "What my son is alive! Skye yelled "Our you sure" Lorenzo ask "Yes he claim that Helena has Chandler and Katherine at the place where Cassie was we need to find them"Kristina said "Oh my god my baby! Skye yelled "Lucky search the place and could not find anyone"Jax said "Helena could of moved them" Lorenzo said "Kristina what about Morgan" Lila ask "Dimitri did not say anything about Morgan I'm sorry' Kristina said "I'm glad that Chandler is alive" Lila said " Me to "Josslyn said "Let's go find our son" Lorenzo said " Lila will you stay with Cassie"Skye ask "Yes Mother" Lila said

At Cassie room~ Josslyn came in. "Joss, Can you take me to see Aubrey"Cassie ask "Sure I will see what I can do" Josslyn said "Thank you"Cassie said " How are you feeling toward Dimitri" Josslyn ask " I can't believe he went this far to get ruin of me"Cassie said " I know" Josslyn said Bobbie came in. "Bobbie can I see my daughter" Cassie ask "Yes I will have a nurse take you to her"Bobbie said "Thank you, Grandmother' Josslyn said "You're welcome we our just glad you're awake Cassie" Bobbie said " Me to"Cassie said

At the police station~ Dimitri cell~ Liz came in. "mother , Did I disappointment you to"Dimitri ask " I just can't believe you did this to Cassie"Liz said " It was just till I won my children I want full custody after what Cassandra did to me"Dimitri said " I just wish you and Cassie would put the children first" Liz said "Mother please don't turn you're back on me"Dimitri said "No matter what you're my son, Yes I will help you" Liz said "Thank you"Dimitri said

At the clinic where Cassie was~ Lorenzo and Skye were looking around and found Stefan. "Have you see our son"Skye ask " No, Helena must of moved them"Stefan said "Do you know where to" Lorenzo ask "Yes to Grace"Stefan said "Let's go" Lorenzo said "I can't leave Cassie right now"Skye said "Skye our son need us to" Lorenzo said "Let me call Jax" Skye said "We sure be gone just a day or two"Stefan said

At General Hospital~ Cassie and Josslyn were cover up to see Aubrey. "Oh she is so tiny"Cassie said " You're daughter is a fighter like you she will get strong"Josslyn said " I miss so much with the children"Cassie said " I know but it's not you're fault" Josslyn said "Aubrey Elizabeth I love you so much"Cassie said she went back to her room.
In the hallway~ Jax was on the phone with Skye. "Yes it's fine go fine you're on I will take care of Cassie"Jax said and hang up. "Kristina are you okay"Jax ask " Yes I just can't believe that Chandler is alive' Kristina said as Alexis came by. "Chandler is alive"Alexis ask "Yes Dimitri know that Helena had Katherine and Chandler all this time' Kristina said "Oh my god, Where are they"Alexis ask "Stefan and Lorenzo and Skye went to look for them"Kristina said

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