Thursday, August 11, 2016

“All we’d ever need part 3 ch 87”

At the Courthouse~ Dimitri bail hearing~ He was there with his lawyer Berry. Liz, Nikolas and Page were there. " I want out of jail I need to be home with my children"Dimitri said "You will get Bail the state has no case"Berry said Jax and Josslyn and Lila and Cassie came in. "Dimitri look at Cassie. "Cassie let's sit down" Jax said the judge came in the room as they stood up. "The state of New York Vs Dimitri Cassadine on kidnapped and drug his ex-wife Cassandra Cassadine , How do you plea"The judge ask "Not guilty you're honor"Dimitri said "You're honor we have a witness who will testify that Cassie was drug"Ric said "Call you're witness"The judge said "Dr Jones came in and took the stand. "Dr. Jones Did Mrs.Cassadine have drugs in her syndrome" Ric ask "Yes she did that what keep her in a coma for so long"Dr. Jones said "Thank you"Ric said "Do you know who drug Mrs.Cassadine"Berry ask "No I don't know"Dr Jones said Dr Jones got up. "Do you have any witness" The judge ask " No you're honor the place we found Mrs.Cassadine is empty and our witness is gone we our trying to fine Helena Cassadine" " If you could just give us a couple of days.Ric said "Well the changers are drop then! The judge said "NO! You're honor! Cassie yelled. "Mrs.Cassadine"The judge said " Please this man Dimitri drug me because he wanted me out of the way so he could take our children from me! Cassie said "Well you and Mr.Cassadine will have to go to the court to deal with that case is dissent"the judge said " You will not get away with this! Cassie yelled " I just did darling"Dimitri said and left.

At General Hospital~ Lorenzo and Skye and Stefan came in with Chandler and Katherine. "Chandler"Alan said "Dad we found our son can you make sure his okay"Skye ask "Yes I will"Alan said " I will go check on Cassie"Skye said "She went to Dimitri bail hearing"Alan said Alexis and Kristina and Lila and Josslyn and Jax and Cassie and NIkolas came in. "Stefan did you find Katherine"Alexis ask "Yes we did Katherine is all right"Stefan said " I'm happy for you"Alexis said " Me to' Nikolas said "Mother did you fine Chandler"Lila ask "Yes his fine Helena had him' Skye said "Where is Helena we need her for the case"Jax said "Why"Skye ask :The judge drop the change because the state has no proof of what Dimitri did and Helena is our only hope" Jax said "Helena is gone"Skye said " Lorenzo you just cost us our only witness! Jax yelled
"I'm sorry about that Cassie our you okay"Skye ask " Yes I will me I'm glad Chandler is all right"Cassie said Alan and Monica came by. "Chandler and Katherine were both drug but there fine"Alan said "Can we see them"Kristina ask "Yes one at a time"Monica said "Kristina go see you're husband"Skye said Kristina left.

At Katherine room~ Stefan came in. "Oh Katherine I'm so glad you're all right I love you so much"Stefan said " I love you to"Katherine said

Chandler room~ Kristina came in. "Chandler I'm glad your alright our daughter needs you"Kristina said " I need you both"Chandler said they share a kiss.

At Dimitri~ He came home and pour himself a brandy as Cassie came in. "You bastard! I will make you pay for what you did to me! You will not get away with this! Cassie yelled Dimitri came by her. " I have got away with it there is nothing you can do! Dimitri yelled "Yes there is and I will make sure you never see our children again! Cassie yelled "Where our the children"Dimitri ask "At my house where they will stay! Cassie yelled "Not for long my Darling! I will fight you on the children now go! Dimitri yelled
"Not yet! Cassie said she was about to pull out a gun from her back pocket when Lorenzo came behind her and grab her hand. "Cassie there you are you're mother wants you at General hospital" Lorenzo said "Yes please take her out of here! the children will be my soon so enjoy them while you can"Dimitri said Lorenzo and Cassie left.

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