Thursday, August 11, 2016

“All we’d ever need part 3 ch 89”

At General Hospital~ Katherine room~ Lucy came in with flowers. "Katherine" Lucy said "Lucy. Why are you here with flowers"Katherine ask "Because in some weird way I miss you and I'm glad you're alive I need you're help" Lucy said "You need my help"Katherine ask "Yes in planning the nurse's ball" Lucy said "Me"Katherine ask "Yes why not? So when you're well we will plan it"Lucy said "Thank you" Katherine said Lucy left.

At the Nursery~ Cassie was holding Aubrey. "Oh Audrey I love you so much let's go see you're brother and sister I haven't seen then yet"Cassie said she was about to leave when Dimitri came by. "Why are you here"Cassie ask "To pick up Aubrey"Dimitri said "No I'm take her home"Cassie said "For good"Alexis said as she came by with Jax. "Alexis what did you do"Dimitri ask "Cassie has full custody"Alexis said "What"Cassie ask " I want to a judge and I told him everything for now you have temple custody"Alexis said "Why would you betrayed this family"Dimitri ask "You did the same thing"Stefan said as he came by. "Uncle you help Cassandra"Dimitri ask "Yes I did you were never going to tell me my wife was alive so I took what you love away"Stefan said "Thank you Stefan and Alexis. Come on Baby let's go home"Cassie said "Enjoy the children for now I will fight you on this"Dimitri said and left. "Can Dimitri fight this"Cassie ask "Yes it's just temper"Alexis said Skye came by. "What is going on"Skye ask "Alexis and Stefan help Cassie get temple custody"Jax said "Thank you both"Skye said "Yes"Cassie said and left with her daughter.

At the Quartermaine~ Warren was there when AJ came in.. "So I hear you our staying here"AJ said "Yes I want to know Monica and this family"Warren said "I hope we can trust you"AJ said " Look AJ I have my own money I would not take you're I just want to know my mother" Warren said " I get that"AJ said

At Ned/Lois~ Lois came in."Ned I forgive you for sleeping with Julia just never do it again" Lois said " I will not I love you and I want to make it work"Ned said " me to"Lois said

At Cassie~ She came in with her children. "Mother you're awake"Alexander said "Yes I 'm oh Alex I promise you I will never leave you"Cassie said " I know you could not help it"Alex said "No, I have good news you and you're sisters our staying with me"Cassie said "What about father"Alex ask "Well right now you're going to stay with me you're father needs to deal with something but he loves you"Cassie said " All right"Alex said "Why don't we go to the park"Cassie ask "Sure"Alex said Cassie took her children to the park.

At General hospital~ "Alexis why did you and Stefan help my daughter "Skye ask "Stefan is anger that Dimitri know that Katherine was alive and I'm mad about Chandler for my daughter sake"Alexis said " Thank you I wish he went to jail"Skye said "Me to"Alexis said Alexis left and Skye phone rang."Warren you're back"Skye said

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