Friday, August 12, 2016

“All we’d ever need part 4 ch 20”

At Llanview ~ Dorian house~ "I understand , I been where you are but I have to go back to Port Charles my granddaughter Aubrey has been sick for a while "Skye said " I hope she gets better"Langston said " You're welcome to come to Port Charles with us or whenever you're ready Jax said "Thank you"Langston said and left. "This isn't good"Skye said "Langston needs time"Dorian said "I'm glad Langston had of you to raise her"Skye said " I loved you as my own"Dorian said " I know but I hope you don't get in our way"Skye said "I will not I know what it's like to give you're child away"Dorian said "Yes it's one of my regrets, Blair I'm sorry for what I did to you with Max"Skye said they left.

Langston room~ Starr came in. "Skye is gone do you want to talk"Starr ask "It's a lot to take it I was a child of rape not love"Langston said "You our loved by us "Starr said " I kind of want to know Skye" Langston said "Whatever you want I will stand by you"Starr said "Thanks" Langston said

At Port Charles~ Cassie and Dimitri~ Cassie was getting the children ready for the fair. "How was you're day"Dimitri ask "Great I'm help Grandmother with the magazine till mother come back"Cassie said "That great' Dimitri said Cassie phone rang it was Skye. " Mother Aubrey is doing great I think you sure stay there and maybe wait till Langston open up to you"Cassie said and hang up.

In Llanview~ Skye/Jax hotel~ "Cassie thinks I sure stay here what do you think"Skye ask " I think it's a good idea 'Jax said "Let's get something to ate"Skye said

At the Place~ Langston was having lunch with her husband Ford (he was never killed or sleep with Jessica) "So you're parent are not who you think they are''Ford ask "No I'm a child of rape"Langston said "Do you want to know Skye"Ford ask as Skye and Jax came in by them. "Skye I thought you left town" Langston ask "We our going to stay for a while I know what you're going thought for a long time I thought the parents who raise me were my parents but they were not"Skye said " Would you like to join us" this is my husband Robert"Langston ask they sit down. "Why did you give me up" Was it because of the rape"Langston ask "I was forced to give you up I wanted to keep you and for a long time I block it out"Skye said "Where is my father"Langston ask "His dead"Skye said "Oh , Do I look like my sisters"Langston ask "Here a picture of them my daughters Lila Rae and Cassie and son Chandler"Skye said "You're there father" Langston ask "No just Cassie is ours 'Jax said "Yes Chandler and Lila our mine with my ex-husband Lorenzo"Skye said "Do Cassie and Lila get along" Langston ask "It's completed but they would like to get to know you" You have niece and nephew to"Skye said "How is you're granddaughter that is sick" Langston ask "Aubrey is stable right now she will be better soon Cassie is pregnant and the triples are a match for Aubrey she needs a bone marrow"Skye said "That great I hope it works"Langston said " Me too, We will let you to talk" Jax said "he could tell it was a lot to take it for Langston.

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