Tuesday, August 2, 2016

How the years go by epilogue 6

At Calliope and EJ~ Ej came in. “Calliope”Ej said as the cops came in. “Why are you here”EJ ask “To arrest you're wife she was a witness to a murder and cover it up”LJ said they went upstairs and found Calliope lay in bed next to a bottle of pills. “No! Calliope”EJ said as the children came in. “No mother ’Nico said “She gone”EJ sad “No you sure of been here”Mulan said “I wish I could save her ’Ej said There was a note on the table for the cops and EJ and her children. “It's time for the truth and for it to end and it ends with me”Calliope said “No I loved you”EJ said

At Laster/Isabella~ “Laster! A man yelled he pour himself a drink as Laster and Isabella and their sons came in. “Father”Laster said “Yes son I’m back.. So are this you're sons’ Spencer ask “Yes Spencer Jr and Christopher we need to talk alone”Laster said the children went upstairs. “Where is you're mother, I want to see Calliope and tell her I love her”Spencer said “You can’t father today mother told the truth about Carman and then she killed herself”Laster said “No! Calliope not dead”Spencer yelled as Nico came in. No you're home! It’s you're fault that mother is gone” how dare you come back home and after all this time”Nico yelled “I loved you're mother I never want this to happened I came home to talk to you're mother I wanted another chance”Spencer said “Mother moved on from you she marry EJ he treat her right”Nico yelle “No”Spencer yelled “You never told him”Nico said “No look we all need to calm down we have a lot to deal with”Laster said

At Sage/Jed~ Lila and Sage were talking. “I can’t believe that Calliope killed herself “Sage said “Me either now are all we have left of the family beside the children”Lila said “Yes”Sage said

At EJ/Calliope~ EJ was reading Calliope letter then throw everything. “I can’t believe you're gone it’s not fair! I want you here why did you leave me”EJ yelled

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