Monday, August 1, 2016

How the years go by part 3 ch 13

At Calliope ~She was pass out when Spencer came in. “Oh Great! Calliope wake up”! Spencer yelled Calliope wake up. “Spencer what are you doing here”Calliope ask “Here is some water and aspirin, How much did you have to drink”Spencer ask “Why do you care”Calliope said “Why are you doing this to yourself”Spencer ask “Why! Calliope yelled she got up and put on her robe. “Let’s see you hate me! And our daughter wants to find her birth mother! “Why I’m drinking! Calliope yelled “I hate this to and I want to stop Rave from finding Victoria and I will”Spencer said “Don’t”Calliope said “You can’t stop me”Spencer said “I never could”Calliope said “No, I do want to take you back and make love to you right now but I can’t just promise me for our children sake you will get your life in order”Spencer said “Find”Calliope said he left.

At Adela~ Michael and Adela were there with Bobbie. “Grandmother I’m glad you're back”Adela said “Me too”Michael said “I just wish Lucas was”Bobbie said “He will in time”Adela said “Thanks”Bobbie said

At Calliope ~ She was sober up trying to get ready for the day when Lila came in. “Sis. How are you”Lila ask “I’m trying, how about you”Calliope said “Okay, Adam and I want to adoption”Lila said “Are you sure about that”Calliope ask “Yes, why not”Lila ask “One day your child that you raise and loved as your own wants to find their birth parents it will rip your heart out when they do it”Calliope said “Who is doing that Liberty or Rave”Lila ask “Rave she wants to find Victoria and Spencer wants to stop it but I don’t know it just kills me that she not my biological daughter”Calliope said “I sorry but I’m sure that Rave still love you”Lila said “I hope so, I try to be a good mother to my children”Calliope said “I know you do but first you need to stop drinking”Lila said “I will”Calliope said “Good you sure go to a meeting I will go with you”Lila said “I can do this on my own”Calliope said “Okay”Lila said

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