Monday, August 1, 2016

How the years go by part 3 ch 4~

“Never forget those we lost”

At The Quartermaine~ Monica and Alan were there. “That was a lovely hotel”Monica said “Yes we sure be worry’ Alan said “Yes”Monica said “Monica I want to honor my parents they loved this town will you help me”Alan ask “Yes and I think I have an idea”Monica said “Thanks ’Alan said “I miss them too”Monica said

At Skye hotel~ “Jasper-John I’m proud of you and so would your father”Page said “Thanks mother I want to be like him”Jasper-John said “You are”Page said Lil came by. “I love the hotel”Lil said “Thanks sis , if you want a job here”Jasper -John said “I want to make a toast to two Jacks who can’t be here my son Jasper and my father John we will never forget either of them”Jax said “Cheers” Everyone said

Zella was driving when she ran out of gas. “No”Zella said she called for help when someone came by her. “Do you need any help”The man ask “Someone is coming thank you”Zella said “I have a gas can I will not hurt you my name is Joe”He said “Zella Cassadine”She said “Beautiful name”Joe said he full up her car. “Thank you, How much do I owe you”Zella ask “Nothing do you want to get some coffee”Joe ask “Sure why not”Zella said

Calliope house~ Calliope came into her house and pour herself a drink of wine and Willow saw it and left.

At AJ/Lydia~ “Are you worry about Jax hotel”Lydia ask “A little we need to add something to the hotel we have a pool but I been thinking of add a water slide for the kids”AJ said “Do you really want the kids at the hotel”Lydia ask “No”AJ said

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