Monday, August 1, 2016

How the years go by part 3 ch 5~

“It runs in the family”

At Skye/Jax~ “Oh Jax I love you even more for name the hotel after me”Skye said “I’m glad you love it ’Jax said they share a kiss and were about to make love when there was a knock on the door it was Willow. “Sorry Grandmother and Grandfather but I’m worry about mother”Willow said “About what”Skye ask “Mother has been drinking a lot since she left Daddy”Willow said “No”Jax said “We will talk to her”Skye said “Thanks”Willow said and left. “Oh No do you think Calliope is a alcoholics “Skye ask “We don’t know and it’s not your fault it’s Spencer”Jax said

The next day~ Calliope ~ She was having breakfast some OJ and Vodka when there was a knock on the door it was Skye. “Mother good morning came in. Can I get you anything”Calliope ask “No thanks we need to talk I know you're sad about you and Spencer but drinking well not help”Skye said “What do you want to talk about”Calliope ask “Willow is worry about you she think you're drinking too much”Skye said “Mother I don’t have a problem with alcoholic”Calliope said “I hope not don’t let Spencer and Valentin have that much power”Skye said “I don’t”Calliope said “You sure talk to someone ’Skye said “Maybe”Calliope said “I really hope you're not lie to me”Skye said she saw the OJ on the table and pick it up. “Can I have some”Skye ask “No mother”Calliope said “Why not”Skye ask “I think I’m coming down with something you don’t want to get sick do you”Calliope ask “No”Skye said “Now I have to get ready for tea with Isabella who I don’t think is good enough for my son so I have to pretend to be happy for them so I don’t lose my son”Calliope said “Why don’t you like Isabella”Skye ask “There not in love and I want Laster to find love”Calliope said “Well I have to go, You're not alone”Skye said “Thanks Mother”Calliope said

At Spencer~ He was trying to get ready for the day he open a drawer to get a watch when he saw a picture of him and Calliope together on their last wedding day. “Damn You Calliope”Spencer said he throw the picture in the basket and left.

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